Randall Lear CV
2014 MFA, American University Studio Art, Washington, DC
2011 BFA, Pennsylvania College of Art & Design, Lancaster, Pa
9/12 to 5/14 Teaching Assistant, American University
Drawing I and II, The Studio Experience
9/15 to Present Adjunct Faculty at Penn State Harrisburg
Intro to Painting, Intro to Drawing, Intro to Visual Studies
Catharina Baart Biddle Art Award (2014)
The Sharon Wolpoff Works on Paper Award
Pennsylvania College of Art & Design Merit Scholarship
Phaltzcraft Art Scholarship
“Charmed I’m Sure” Adah Rose Gallery, Kensington, MD
"Carte Blanche 2017" Adah Rose Gallery, Kensington, MD
“Untitled Lancaster” Levengoods, Lancaster, PA
"Neo, Pop, Post, Figurative, Abstract.....Celebrating 5 Years"Adah Rose Gallery, Kensington, MD
“Fall Imports” The Mine Factory, Pittsburgh, PA
“Icono-Pop” Studio Gallery, Washington, DC
“Coordinated Disregard” Terrault Contemporary, Baltimore Maryland
“Play”, Arlington Art Center, Arlington VA
“Ruminate My Rainbow Trees” (Solo) Adah Rose Gallery, Kensington Maryland
“Assignment: Happy Birthday”, Orchestrated by Naoko Wowsugi, Hamiltonian Gallery, Washington, DC
Carte Blanche: Alicia, Olivia, Natalie and Kate, Adah Rose Gallery, Kensington, MD
“Pulse Miami”, Adah Rose Gallery (Booth), Miami Beach, FL
Pop Up Show, Galerie du Haut Pave, Paris, France
“Perambulators” MFA Thesis Show, American University Museum at the Katzen
Arts Center, Washington, DC
“Select 2014” (WPA's 33rd Annual Art Auction and Exhibition), Artisphere, Arlington, VA
“Alchemical Vessels 2014” Joan Hisaoka Healing Arts Gallery, Washington, DC
Longing to Eavesdrop on the Conversation, Adah Rose Gallery, Kensington, MD
Flavor of the Month 1st Year MFA Show, American University Museum at the Katzen
Arts Center, Washington, DC
If you see something, Say Something, Forum Art Space, Purchase NY
Unfettered, Delicious Spectacle, Washington, DC
Free Kittens, Millersville Artist and Resident Show, Millersville, PA
Small Works Show, Gallery Three Sixty, Lancaster, PA
Senior Show and Celebration, PCA&D, Lancaster PA
Untitled 14, Lancaster General College of Nursing, Lancaster, PA
Splinter Group Show, Lemon Street, Lancaster, PA
Splinter Group Show, Keppel Building, Lancaster, PA
Summer Preview, PCA&D, Lancaster, PA
Splinter Group Show, Armory Building, Lancaster, PA
Splinter Group Show, Annex 24, Lancaster, PA
Six X Six, Infantree Gallery, Lancaster, PA
Six by Six, Infantree Gallery, Lancaster, PA
What is Beauty, PCA&D, Lancaster, PA
Emerging Artist in Resident Millersville 08/2011 to 04/2012
Parlor Gallery (assistant) 04/2010 to 08/2010
“D.C.'s 12 Best Gallery Shows of 2015” Kriston Capps, City Paper, 12/31/2015
“Work as Play” Rowan Fulton, BmoreArt, 10/9/15
“Artists have come out to play” Mark Jenkins, Washington Post, 09/17/15
“ Tinker, Tech, & Toy, A Group Show at The Arlington Art Center” Michael Dax Iacovone, BmoreArt 8/5/15
“Play: Tinker, Tech, & Toy” Kriston Capps, Washington City Paper, 08/14/15
“simplicity, spontaneity and the beauty of imperfection” Mark Jenkins, Washington Post, 4/3/15
“At Hamiltonian, a birthday celebration of a different sort” Mark Jenkins, Washington Post, 1/30/15
Naoko Wowsugi + Whoop Dee Doo At Hamiltonian Gallery “Make your art professor a gift for her birthday. No pressure.” Kriston Capps, Washington City Paper 1/23/15
“Six DC Artist that Stole the 2014 Scene”, Easy City Art, 12/11/14
“Going Out Guide for Montgomery County”, Washington Post, (photo of work in print) 10/2/2013
‘Journeys’ to the intersection of mind and matter by Mark Jenkins,
Washington Post, Friday 2/1/2013
‘Conversation’ starter, The Gazette, Wednesday, 8/28/2013
2014 MFA, American University Studio Art, Washington, DC
2011 BFA, Pennsylvania College of Art & Design, Lancaster, Pa
9/12 to 5/14 Teaching Assistant, American University
Drawing I and II, The Studio Experience
9/15 to Present Adjunct Faculty at Penn State Harrisburg
Intro to Painting, Intro to Drawing, Intro to Visual Studies
Catharina Baart Biddle Art Award (2014)
The Sharon Wolpoff Works on Paper Award
Pennsylvania College of Art & Design Merit Scholarship
Phaltzcraft Art Scholarship
“Charmed I’m Sure” Adah Rose Gallery, Kensington, MD
"Carte Blanche 2017" Adah Rose Gallery, Kensington, MD
“Untitled Lancaster” Levengoods, Lancaster, PA
"Neo, Pop, Post, Figurative, Abstract.....Celebrating 5 Years"Adah Rose Gallery, Kensington, MD
“Fall Imports” The Mine Factory, Pittsburgh, PA
“Icono-Pop” Studio Gallery, Washington, DC
“Coordinated Disregard” Terrault Contemporary, Baltimore Maryland
“Play”, Arlington Art Center, Arlington VA
“Ruminate My Rainbow Trees” (Solo) Adah Rose Gallery, Kensington Maryland
“Assignment: Happy Birthday”, Orchestrated by Naoko Wowsugi, Hamiltonian Gallery, Washington, DC
Carte Blanche: Alicia, Olivia, Natalie and Kate, Adah Rose Gallery, Kensington, MD
“Pulse Miami”, Adah Rose Gallery (Booth), Miami Beach, FL
Pop Up Show, Galerie du Haut Pave, Paris, France
“Perambulators” MFA Thesis Show, American University Museum at the Katzen
Arts Center, Washington, DC
“Select 2014” (WPA's 33rd Annual Art Auction and Exhibition), Artisphere, Arlington, VA
“Alchemical Vessels 2014” Joan Hisaoka Healing Arts Gallery, Washington, DC
Longing to Eavesdrop on the Conversation, Adah Rose Gallery, Kensington, MD
Flavor of the Month 1st Year MFA Show, American University Museum at the Katzen
Arts Center, Washington, DC
If you see something, Say Something, Forum Art Space, Purchase NY
Unfettered, Delicious Spectacle, Washington, DC
Free Kittens, Millersville Artist and Resident Show, Millersville, PA
Small Works Show, Gallery Three Sixty, Lancaster, PA
Senior Show and Celebration, PCA&D, Lancaster PA
Untitled 14, Lancaster General College of Nursing, Lancaster, PA
Splinter Group Show, Lemon Street, Lancaster, PA
Splinter Group Show, Keppel Building, Lancaster, PA
Summer Preview, PCA&D, Lancaster, PA
Splinter Group Show, Armory Building, Lancaster, PA
Splinter Group Show, Annex 24, Lancaster, PA
Six X Six, Infantree Gallery, Lancaster, PA
Six by Six, Infantree Gallery, Lancaster, PA
What is Beauty, PCA&D, Lancaster, PA
Emerging Artist in Resident Millersville 08/2011 to 04/2012
Parlor Gallery (assistant) 04/2010 to 08/2010
“D.C.'s 12 Best Gallery Shows of 2015” Kriston Capps, City Paper, 12/31/2015
“Work as Play” Rowan Fulton, BmoreArt, 10/9/15
“Artists have come out to play” Mark Jenkins, Washington Post, 09/17/15
“ Tinker, Tech, & Toy, A Group Show at The Arlington Art Center” Michael Dax Iacovone, BmoreArt 8/5/15
“Play: Tinker, Tech, & Toy” Kriston Capps, Washington City Paper, 08/14/15
“simplicity, spontaneity and the beauty of imperfection” Mark Jenkins, Washington Post, 4/3/15
“At Hamiltonian, a birthday celebration of a different sort” Mark Jenkins, Washington Post, 1/30/15
Naoko Wowsugi + Whoop Dee Doo At Hamiltonian Gallery “Make your art professor a gift for her birthday. No pressure.” Kriston Capps, Washington City Paper 1/23/15
“Six DC Artist that Stole the 2014 Scene”, Easy City Art, 12/11/14
“Going Out Guide for Montgomery County”, Washington Post, (photo of work in print) 10/2/2013
‘Journeys’ to the intersection of mind and matter by Mark Jenkins,
Washington Post, Friday 2/1/2013
‘Conversation’ starter, The Gazette, Wednesday, 8/28/2013